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autumn garden

Autumn is a fantastic time of year in Perth, a time for some beautiful colour in the garden as the heat dies down and the much needed rains start trickling in. Here are some beautiful flower displays to look out for or plant this Autumn.

  • Begonia

  • Salvia

  • French Marigold

  • Iceland Poppy

  • Primula

  • Lobelias

  • Chrysanthemum

  • Snapdragon

  • Dahlia

  • Impatiens

As well as Petunias and Geraniums still going strong, and we cant forget all the beautiful colour from the deciduous trees toward the end of Autumn such as the London planes and Liquidambars before they drop their leaves for winter.

orange autumn leaves

As the weather has started to cool down from the heat of summer we have just experienced, it is feeling much easier to get outside back into the garden and catch up on some of those jobs we may have let slip by during the heat:

  • Make sure you clear any weeds that may be going to seed, as the rains come in and the seeds hit the ground they will be prime candidates to start an infestation, especially that thistle I see flowering everywhere at the moment.

  • Get those last runs of fertiliser in for autumn before winter hits, Autumn is still a really busy time for plants to do a lot of growing and flowering so they will need to keep their nutrition up, but don’t leave it too late as fertilising in winter usually means feeding the weeds while a lot of plants lay dormant.

  • If you have fruit trees ripening up at the moment be on the lookout or take preventative measures for Fruit-Fly, It is everyone’s responsibility to do their part when it comes to Fruit-Fly, not just for your own Fruit but the whole neighbourhood, put out traps and don’t leave fallen fruit on the ground to get infested.


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